We went to Exmoor National Park on Sunday. Visited Dunster Castle, winded through small villages, drove up hills you'd never make it up in New York, saw Exmoor ponies, sheep, border collies, small picturesque villages and castles. Here's Dunster Castle.
This is the village below the castle.
And then the moor - not what we pictured England looking like. More like the sagebrush west.
Then yesterday we went to Stourhead, a manor house built in the 1700's. It was used to film parts of Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightley version.) Austin fans do you recognize anything? Here are the photos.
It looks just amazing and hope you are all having a great time. Ummmmm, I think, no im sure i belong in one of those castles. lol.........have fun.....i leave in 6 days!!!!